Post Leaving Certificate (PLC)
PLC Programmes are full-time courses open to students who have just completed the Leaving Certificate, or any person wishing to return to Further Education. They offer a mixture of ‘hands-on’ practical work, academic subjects and work experience, and are designed as a step towards skilled employment or progression to third level. Successful students may apply to third level programmes at Institutes of Technology and Universities through the Higher Education Links Scheme. Learners may be eligible to apply for the SUSI Grant or the Back to Education Allowance. All fees must be paid before commencement of the programme.
For further information regarding any of our PLC Programmes, please contact:
Elaine Sheridan – PLC Coordinator
T: 057 9349471 E: esheridan@loetb.ie
PLC Fees:
€50 Level 5 QQI Certification Fee* or €80 Level 6*
*Some people will be exempt from fees, e.g. medical card holders, SUSI grant holders and people in a Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) or VTOS allowances.
There is detailed information on the range of grants and funds for students in further education on the website www.studentfinance.ie.